
The Midnight Ride

photo by John W. Penney. 2011.

Minutemen grabbed their guns and prepared for war

In the night of April 18, 1775

Dr Samuel Prescott joined the men along the road

Narrowing escape from the British soldiers

It was the job of Paul Revere and Dawes to warn Samuel Adams

Going fast on his horse, one reporter fail off and broke his leg

Helping out form Concord to Lexington

They used lanterns for signals

Revere went out to tell Samuel Adams and John Hancock the redcoats are coming

Issued warning was to tell John Hancock and Samuel Adams

Dawes and Revere went north to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock about their arrest

Elizabeth Revere was Paul Reveres sister


MLK Day Service

On MLk day I mowed my neighbors yard and they said thank you but I think you need a little a little bit of money but I said no and my neighbor has cancer so I told her save that you might need that one day  what if you ran out of gas and you call a tow truck and I had that money so then i go back to my house and told my mom I mowed the neighbors yard and they let me go swimming in there pool so I thought it would be a good thing so I can go swimming more often then they said come swimming when ever you want then I said that is better then money then they gave me a glass of water.


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